How Long Did I Work?
Type or paste in any text with time ranges and instantly see the time amount for each range, and the total amount of hours. Great for timesheets.
Paste or type your text
# Instructions Paste your text here and any time ranges will be found, and the total time will be displayed. The time ranges should be in this format: "11:35am - 12:55pm" # Privacy The calculations are done privately in your browser, your text is not stored or transmitted. # Examples - Learned about Javascript 10:23am ~ 12:15pm - Learned about HTML/CSS 1:00pm ~ 3:00pm - Launched my startup 3:30pm ~ 4:30pm - Yay I can finally retire 5:00pm ~ 5:15pm Researched islands to purchase: 1:00pm - 4:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm 6:00pm - 7:00pm # Formatting Notes - am/pm is required - Separator can be a minus (-), a tilde (~), an en dash (–), or an em dash (—) - Spaces are optional, these both work: 12:30pm-12:31pm, 1:00 pm - 1:01 pm